$1,111.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Unscrew Yourself

Unscrew yourself is a 12 week transformational program featuring MIND MAGIC ®  that will teach you how to get unstuck and never be in your own way again.

What you'll get:

  • 12 LIVE 90-MINUTE CLASSES taught by Caren Cooper via Zoom where you’ll learn the MIND MAGIC ® system for mastering your thoughts and emotions. 
  • WORKBOOKS + GROWTH TOOLS that you can work through and implement to begin to see results right away, and continue to apply to support you throughout your journey.
  • VIDEO RECORDINGS FOR LIFE of all sessions and calls so that you can continue to refer to them when new issues arise or you simply want to revisit the work.
  • One on One Voxer access to me 24/7 for additional support